-Jackson was 20 inches long when measured in the nursery last night. Women like to know this measurement for a reason I will probably never comprehend. And then there's Josh R, who will probably inform me as to the precise location on the "American male Caucasian infant length at birth" bell curve where my son falls....
-Jackson is named after the Confederate general Thomas Jonathan Jackson, known to the history books (where real history is still studied!) as "Stonewall" Jackson. His steadiness under heavy enemy fire, because of his absolute belief in a God of Providence, is said to have earned him his nickname (despite the fact that he rarely kept the men under his command standing still anywhere). In the hospital, Jen and I read some moving passages regarding Jackson's piety from chapter 3 of
Christ in the Camp by J. William Jones. We hope and pray that our son will also be a man of sterling character, unwavering conviction and of great feats in the Kingdom.
-Jackson's middle name, Daniel, is after our dear friend Dan Haynes, who went home to be with the Lord on July 3rd. (Read about him at http://www.vandermay.com/ Select "For more obituaries click here" and then select "July" and his name.) This name was an appropriate continuation of our theme of Christian character, as Dan was remembered by all as not only very funny and possessing amazing spreadsheet skills, but most of all as a quiet, consistent, sincere Christian.
-As I hope is evident, Jen & I are more concerned with character than athletic or academic success, or any other thing parents may legitimately hope for. We pray God's grace will be evident in our lives also, as this new responsibility is used by the Lord to mold us more into His likeness.
-No, Jackson is honestly not a covert way of naming our son "Jack", notwithstanding the coolness of Jack Bauer of (fictitious) "24" fame, and despite the wit of Jack Anderson of GCCCC renown. We actually prefer the full version of the name over any of the nickname variations. (And yes, we did think through the nickname possibilities, including those we wouldn't terribly mind and those that would be truly unfortunate.)