02 December 2007

Snow Day... Days?

So we had a snow day today; TBC canceled all services because of inclement weather. Our family webcast the services from Tenth Pres in Philadelphia. Drs. Ryken and Tripp preached well and profitably on Solomon and choosing the right path in life, and God's love and our love as Christians respectively. We saw two of our friends - Sarah and Anne - in the congregation, which seemed rather like stalking, but we didn't choose which video feed to post....

Jen & I had a very relaxing and refreshing evening without Jackson last night, which included patronizing Baja Fresh and Starbucks, bringing towels to flooded friends, a brief stint as take-out delivery people, and Yahtzee. Do NOT ask about our Yahtzee scores. (Jen says, "Wow, that's a low score" ... looks over at mine "oh, um... oops" laughs)

Jackson slept through the night and had to be woken up at 7:00! Woo-hoo!

The weather forecast seems to indicate that school will not be hindered tomorrow morning. I will refrain from comment on what I prefer. Suffice it to say there may very well be snow-dancing tonight. Ask Wayne about where this came from; I'm not really that pagan.

Well, check the online picture album for several recent additions including videos.
