"Last published Apr 22, 2008" ... hmmm... that was a REALLY LONG TIME AGO!
For anyone who hasn't completely given up on me, or who decided on a whim to check this blog, or who enjoys defeat and checked this like you check Red Sox postseason results... welcome back. This will be a totally random collection of news and thoughts.
Head over to our photo site and check out about three months of pictures I just added.
I don't even know where to start. Jackson turned one last week! He's running, talking, and slamming things against other things (LOUDLY). He tried to fight the coffee table a couple weeks ago and ended up with a nice upper-cheek bruise. I told him that if anyone asked what happened, he should say, "You should see the other guy!" Then we got to church and another kid had an even worse bruise.
The school year got off to a pretty smooth start. I miss having NMB around. I'm juggling my classes, athletics work and a little tech work thrown in for good measure.
The scooter is still serving me very well, good for about $3/day savings on gas. Plus, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous for scootering.
I've had a nasty head cold for over a week now, and it shows no signs of dying. In fact, it brought along a sinus infection to make me feel really yucky. Despite that, I was given enough strength to run the half marathon this past Saturday up in Hartford. In fact, I had one of the best races of my life.
My sister Alison is over in Scotland at the University of St Andrews earning a Masters degree in poetry. She says "cheers". Well, not really. But she would if she had the chance.
Among recent reads, I'm pleased to recommend The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
In other news, among my newer favorite websites are woot.com, slickdeals.net, and whatyououghttoknow.com I would recommend Alie's blog, but she killed hers even faster than I killed mine. Oh, and one more shameless plug: If you are an educator (including homeschoolers), check out Classical Legacy Press for top-notch materials, with more on the way soon! (Full disclosure: I make no profit whatsoever by making this shameless plug.)
Well, that's about all for now. Sorry, maybe when the two infections start losing to my immune system my brain will clear up. Until then, cheers!