My apologies to those of you who have been checking our blog, waiting for another installment. Between classes, grading, TCS athletics, church and softball, I've been running around.
Then this past week I accompanied the 7th and 8th grade classes to Spruce Lake. We had a great time - excellent chaperones, great weather, intense ping-pong and air hockey, cliff rappelling, quality devotional times, no major injuries etc.
On Saturday, I played on the victorious (although admittedly a little stacked) Parents team as they battled the junior high soccer team. We won either 4-0 or 5-0, I honestly don't recall which. I scored 2 goals, one of which was the result of hustling when the kids didn't, and one of which they gave us by a hand ball 20 yds from the goal.
But the thrill of victory was short-lived. Jen & I left Jackson with Grandpa and Gram and headed over to one of our favorite places anywhere, Caffe Buono (which McKayla prnounces "Cawifawnia"), to do some grading. I started feeling particularly achy all over and unable to mentally focus. This was not so out of the ordinary, so I wasn't worried. I mean, I'm getting old; Jen reminds me of this frequently. But then we got back to the Lee parents' home and I started getting extremely chilled. Yes, folks, you guessed it - a 101*F (where's the degree sign on Blogger?) fever... and by the next day it was clearly the dreaded flu. So I'm home sick from school, missed my softball game tonight, and am feeling pretty useless. We got a little grading done, at least. The latest "PC World" got a little attention, as did Michael J. Behe's excellent recent volume The Edge of Evolution, plus a little time on a work of forensic fiction. (Detective Cross....)
Jackson is doing well. Jen figured out the source of some of his crying... let's just call it #3. He's been well behaved, and we're told he's unlikely to get sick from his daddy's current ailment. As I write, he's crying for no reason we can tell. Please pray with us for a buyer for our condo so that we'll be able to buy the larger condo that we're under contract to purchase.
Head over to our Picasa site for pictures from the past couple weeks. Sorry, I didn't bring a camera to Spruce Lake. Oh, wait, y'all don't care about Spruce Lake, only about the little guy. Fair enough.