01 April 2008


This evening, after track practice, I got a chance to drive around in my first official scooter-driving lesson with JD (and a young D child in his sidecar). I tried the light-speed switch, but it seems to be stuck right now. So I was stuck going a pedestrian 6.67x10^-8 of c. Translation for non-uber-nerds: 38mph. The basic plan was once around the block on back-streets, then to TCS, practice weaving between lines at TCS, then drive back. Red Honda Elite Scooter (her name until someone comes up with a better one) handled excellently all the way up to 43 mph. (No, I didn't attempt to go faster. Especially at this point, what would the point be?) She had momentary issues idling in the church parking lot, but this was a known minor hose problem that poses no safety concern. It will shortly be fixed permanently. Next driving lesson later this week.

OK, on to Jackson: He can roll over both ways with ease. He is eating pureed vegetables (yuck!) and cereals, and has two bottom front teeth. He recently bought a tent so that he could join us at track meets. Jen says he adores his father. Let's hope the respect continues for at least 17.6 years.

On Real Estate: We've got a couple more leads on a condo buyer. Pray with us that one of them pans out!