It appears that the muse has not inspired me for some time now. Or maybe my creativity dried up. Or maybe it was being away for a week. I suppose the busyness excuse won't work, huh?
Well, here's a quick update on Jackson:
He's smiling often, and finally getting back on a schedule of naps and dealing with being alone. He lost this ability when we went to CT for a whole week, but he's finally getting used to it again. Of course, his lungs and diaphragm are still growing stronger, so the crying is getting louder.
As many of you have, we've seen lots of friends and family in the past month. So Jackson has gotten lots of attention and introductions.
He met Wayne & Michele Kruzek (who have their own news...!) during an enjoyable evening of conversation and Jenga.
Within the past week, Jackson figured out how to roll over -- but only from stomach to back. And unfortunately, he sleeps on his stomach and dislikes lying on his back. So we're trying to teach him the reverse process.
In other random news:
I'm actually basically done with second term grades a week early! This is largely due to Jen's helping with grading so much this year, which in turn encouraged me to keep the grading folder relatively slim. I'm very thankful for the result. I also only have to write 3 midterms this year, which is great. I've ordered a new cell phone (Motorola W385), mostly because it was free and newer phones often have better voice quality. I've also been messing around a bit with Linux recently, including installing Ubuntu 7.10 on my old college laptop. This is mostly a reflection of a burning desire to avoid all things Microsoft (with the only exceptions being Excel and MS computer mice). I've also personally been encouraged by real quality conversations with friends (including Jen of course) over the past few weeks.
Well, I'll be updating our Picasa picture site a bit here and there over the next few days.