13 October 2007

Saturday morning update

Yesterday afternoon, Jackson got his first taste of three very important things: the sport commonly called soccer in America, TCS sports, and our friends from TCS/TBC. Oh, I guess it was three very important things and one very important person, that person being George R. Barnes. [This is not to be a slight on anyone else who was there, but come on, this is THE Gearge R. Barnes.] OK, so in English, we brought Jackson out to the TCS varsity girls game against Timothy Christian at the Camp Dawson fields. He couldn't take the fact that Trinity was losing 0-1 at halftime, so we had to take him home out of the cold. Of course, a quick stop by Gram's house on the way home was obligatory.

Last night, Jen & I got a little comic relief by watching a few routines by Brian Regan on his website and Google video. We enjoyed the hearty laughs.

For the first time, Jackson kept us up for a while last night. He eventually fell asleep after a little more feeding and a little more blanket-layering. (It was a little chilly for the first time last night, which Chris loved and Jen wasn't quite so keen on.)

Also, we got the contract to buy the 2-bedroom condo in the mail yesterday afternoon. So I am working on listing our current place to sell for part of the day today. Please pray that I would do a good job with that task, that our 1-bedroom place would sell quickly, that we would obtain the best mortgage for our situation, and that the move would go smoothly, if this would be the Lord's will for us. Interested buyers should visit forsalebyowner.com starting later this afternoon. (A shameless plug, I know....)


Danielle said...

I'm glad Chris has finally learned that babies need lots of blankets... remember that babysitting experience, Chris? =)

Jackson is lucky that he got to go to a TCS girls' soccer game in his first week of life. (Okay, not lucky, blessed... but lucky sounds better!)

Anonymous said...

do you have any of those "sleep sacks"? i don't know what they're really called, but they are like a little bag the baby sleeps in for warmth so you don't have to layer with covers. it zips up front and has arms but the legs are in the sack part. if you want to try one, we have extras. they are great for the newborn days when you want to be careful with blankets. let us know.

Anonymous said...

why did you start writing in the third person? kindof weird.

Anonymous said...

i like your new pictures on picasa. 3 days until i see him.:-)