There, my title covers me from being criticized that I skipped weeks of Jackson's life. Speaking of Jackson, three of the five who took our recent poll are to be commended for correctly identifying Edward as NOT being one of "Stonewall" Jackson's names. His full name was Thomas Jonathan Jackson. Check out our new poll ... whenever I write it.
Since last post, Jackson got to see 2 of his aunts baptized and added to the Grace Reformed Baptist Church in East Haven, CT. Of course, Jen and I are very thankful that 2 more sisters are now also sisters in Christ. The Cute Little Fellow also met his great grandma Lee, great uncle Gary and his new wife Delana. See our Picasa album for documentation of Jackson's first Thanksgiving. More pictures will be added once we've gotten contributions from the other cameras present.
Jackson slept through the night for the first time a few weeks ago, and was on a roll until a few nights ago. Now he's making a stink around 4AM every day. Maybe it's because he's already outgrowing his bassinet (thanks to the
Seversons for that great gift!), and is now transitioning into his Pack-n-Play as crib.
Jen & I took Jackson with us to Willowbrook Mall yesterday afternoon. I hate malls. A lot. But Christmas shopping beaconed, and it turned out to be a useful trip. Jackson got cranky pretty quickly, and I had to keep walking in loops out in the halls (isn't there a better name for the halls in malls?). This meant I got exercise, lots of time with the little guy, and a serious allergy problem. How is it possible for every store that sells scented anything to pollute the entire airspace of a whole wing of the mall?!? (Don't tell me, Brownian motion, diffusion and all that good stuff.... It's still irksome, even if science seems to demand it.) Anyway, Jen had a useful trip, we even saw Tim Hartline there (and I had a "yeah, I NEVER come here either!" moment with him), and we got to introduce Jackson to Borders. And then I made my sole purchase... ok, technically there were two: a medium cappuccino and a 5"x8" planner/ address book. (It's Moleskine, it's "the legendary notebook, used by European artists and thinkers for the past two centuries, from Van Gogh to Picasso, from Ernest Hemingway to Bruce Chatwin"
website brags. Don't worry, after trying my dad's "if it doesn't list a price it must be free" line, I got it for the price of a smaller sized version. And then I used a 25% off coupon. So I'm not snobby-because-I'm-artsy-simplistic. I'm practical.) Anyway, back to the main point: Jackson didn't like the mall, and I was pleased by this.
Oh, and one more mall trip complaint: That 23/46/80 interchange that is STILL under construction is STILL life-threatening, and now there's another bridge in the area closed (actually one-way) for no apparent reason. Finish the project this decade please!
Jackson gets to have several hours tonight with Grandpa and Gram so that Mommy and Daddy can share a few sane hours without worrying about feeding, crying and diaper changing.
This just in: My sister Alison was accepted to a creative writing masters program at prestigious university in the British Isles. No word on whether she'll take them up on it.
I've probably forgotten things, but I've got to get back to work. G'day.