12 October 2007

Last night

Well, the first bath went about as expected. Jackson pretty much screamed the whole time he was actually being cleaned and only settled down when wrapped in one of those towels-with-a-hood (which are really handy, by the way). We got most of the bath on film (if by "film" I mean an 8cm DVD), but I still haven't had the time to make our camcorder and computer talk. The first DVD-R did play very nicely in the computer's DVD drive, though, so there's hope!

Keep praying for Jen, please. The Lord is upholding her well, but she needs continued grace.


Danielle said...

Oh boy, I can't wait to see all these videos!

Anonymous said...

one day when he's older, he'll probably laugh when he watches the video of him taking his first bath.

and your chapel thursday was really good, esp. as it was last minute.