03 November 2008


I'm becoming more and more of a nerd. One particular flavor I'm really fond of is tech-nerd. I actually read PC World when I can; I have favorite technology review websites, favorite technology deal websites, and... well I'll make a list :-)

Current Favorites
OS: Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" (I know, a rather non-nerdy choice....)
Most Coveted Computer: any netbook
Stereo Company: Bose (I know, not really techie; you cannot control anything....)
Office Software Company: Corel
Free Software Companies: Where do we start? In no particular order Google, Mozilla, Piriform....
Free Anti-virus: BitDefender (close second: AVG Free)
Free Firewall: ZoneAlarm
Download website: FileHippo.com
Favorite Free Office Suite: OpenOffice 2.4 (Again, simple choice... I have to live with other peoples' MS Office documents!)
Free browser: still Mozilla Firefox (...though Google Chrome is pretty slick!)
Deal Website: woot.com
Email Program: Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0 (followed closely by a Gmail add-on for Firefox)
Bank: ING (Hey, their accounts are almost exclusively online! They count as techie! Plus, I ran in a race they sponsored!)

Current LEAST Favorites
Software Company: Microsoft, duh!
(OK, so I created the least-favorite category just for them... get over it!)