21 October 2007

Weekend update

Jackson met so many people this weekend in Connecticut.

Well, first he suffered through the longest trip from NJ to CT that Mommy or Daddy has ever suffered through. Almost four hours. And he didn't cry once. Starting getting a little worried a few times, but Mommy assured him we were still there, and he was just fine.

Here are the relatives he met: Grandaddy, Aunt Emma, Uncle Zack, Uncle Ger, Cousins Gavin & Chase.

He also sat through his first service at the Grace Reformed Baptist Church of East Haven. He heard Grandaddy preach the whole sermon until the applications section, when I had to hold him at the back. All the woman at GRBC loved him, of course.

Oh, and I forgot my church clothes in NJ; don't even ask what I wore to church. Good night, our faithful readers. (There are new pictures on our online album, of course.)