11 October 2007

First full day home

Jen and Jackson had a couple visitors today. Jackson managed to get fingers (3!) into his mouth today and suck on them. This was a useful addition to the please-wait-another-few-minutes-while-mom- finishes-eating-before-feeding-you repertoire. He's healing up nicely from birthing and such. He's also getting stronger lungs, which is a mixed blessing. That's right, he can scream twice as loud as yesterday. Seriously. He also took his first nap with daddy this afternoon, during which he was very content until Mommy took a flash picture. But he settled back down for 45 minutes after that. Oh, and we also got a few smiles out of him today - not the first ones, but the first time there were several in succession.

Later tonight: baby's first bath! Let's hope the smiles continue....


Anonymous said...

I read this blog religiously, so you better give an update on the bath...and keep putting up pictures on Picasa.

Anonymous said...

wow, jackson is not only a runner already but he smiles already? i didn't know three day old babies smiled :-) you have a real advanced kid there!! we are so happy for you and can't wait to meet this little guy. he really is cute and seeing him makes me want to do it again! (shhhh..jason cannot know i said that!!)

Anonymous said...

YAY For smiles!!!!!! ummm speaking of smiles (hint hint) I'm bringing your present tomorrow :) and All I can there are no excuses now..hehe, But I so cannot wait to see him. I'll babysit mondays though if mommy and daddy need sometime down time ;)