26 December 2008

Christmas to New Year's

Chris is spending the week in Scotland with Alison. He arrived safely Friday morning at 7:16 a.m. in Edinburgh.

Jen is spending the week with her family in Branford.

Jackson is growing and learning quickly. He now can tell you what certain animals do and say, knock and open doors, make car noises, and is quite proficient at mama ma ma ma and dada type words. Danielle even taught him sic 'em Bears.

Posted by anonymous 12/26/2008 10:43 a.m.


Danielle said...

Except he doesn't quite get the "Sic 'Em" part... he says, "Ahhhh, da!" instead. Haha.

Alie said...

how on earth did you post this? from an internet cafe in edinburgh?